{Dear Bride Podcast} Episode Seven: Unplugged Weddings


August 7, 2019

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Today we are discussing a very hot topic in the world of weddings: Unplugged Ceremonies! If you are getting married, it’s time to think about how to handle aisle-jumping guests who can sabotage your wedding photos. We know this is a tough topic, but we strongly feel that in the age of smart phones & social media, it is crucial (and we will even say necessary) to choose an unplugged ceremony for your big day! 

Nowadays, everyone walks around with a camera in their pocket at all times! And it is truly incredible that we have this little piece of technology on-hand to capture everything wonderful that we experience {and not to mention, lots and lots of selfies!} However, when it comes to weddings, guests tend to take the documenting to the next level and can seriously interfere with your special moments! We have seen it all and we are here to tell you that there IS a way around this madness!! Here are some photos of the “Aunt Kathy’s” of the world jumping into the aisle at all the wrong times! These “aisle-jumpers” must be stopped and we are here to help.

Picture this: You are walking down the aisle on the most important day of your life….you’re holding hands with your dad having that last conversation before he gives you away….you both look at one another, tearing up…this is it!…you look forward as you approach your groom, and wait… you actually can’t see him! Your wedding guests are reaching, leaning, or just plain STANDING in the middle of the aisle. Your vision is completely blocked, you can’t believe the utter disappointment that radiates through you. Not to mention, your photographer can’t see you! There is a sea of phones and you are completely blocked by a giant tablet! The horror!! What’s even worse is that you realize later when scrolling facebook that the photo your guest just HAD to take, is completely out of focus, blurry, and they caught you while you were blinking. What a terrible disappointment this is! Not only were you blocked from your groom, distracted from truly enjoying the moment, and annoyed all together, but now your photographer doesn’t have one single good photo of you walking down the aisle because someone HAD to take a photo.

Now, I know what you might be thinking… we’re being a tad dramatic right??…. WRONG! This happens at 9 out of 10 weddings we photograph. It could be as little as a mild annoyance where your guests are simply distracted from being in the moment. Or it can be as serious as what we just described above. Listen to this week’s episode of the Dear Bride Podcast to learn how to avoid this from happening on your day.

We live in a world of instant gratification, we understand seeing your photos right away after the wedding is super important to you! But your professional photos are worth the wait! And you know it! Let your friends & family take photos during the reception and share with you right away. But leave the ceremony to the professionals! And once you’re back from your honeymoon you will have a sneak peek of beautifully edited photos from the wedding day to enjoy for years to come 😉

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