Meet Terrie- the other half of Janelle Brooke Photography. Hear all about her creative journey from her beginnings as a musician, falling in love with wedding photography, and finding the career of her dreams.

{early beginnings}
When I first started shooting, I shot anything & everything- including my friends’ bands, couples in love, and all the cute babies I could get my hands on! I shot my first wedding in 2007 and instantly fell in love! I never would’ve thought at the time that this would be my future career- who knew?? As you can see from these photos….so much has changed in the last 12 years! It’s really cool to look back and see where it all began!

In 2009, I was lucky enough to meet both Janelle, my future best friend & business partner, AND Keith, my soulmate <3 BEST YEAR EVER! I can’t believe within 2 months I met someone to build a business & a lifelong career with and someone to build a family & a life with. The stars were certainly aligned 🙂
{janelle & terrie adventures}
{keith & terrie adventures}

{some of my personal favs from over the years}

Hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me 🙂 Subscribe to the Dear Bride Podcast to follow us on our journey!

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